What does this mean for Women Owned Small Businesses (WOSB)?
Well, according to Federal News Network, although set-aside contracts are being consolidated, WOSB-specific contracts are on the rise. This is good news for WOSB contractors.
Federal News Network goes on to say that the best opportunities for WOSB fall under three areas: support services for the Defense Information Systems Agency, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of Health and Human Services.
What can a WOSB contractor do to find opportunities within the 3 agencies that are mentioned?
- Sign up for a free trial with BC2Match, the government contracts website that uses artificial intelligence to match you with the best contract opportunities.
- Fill out your profile including the Agency, your NAICS codes, keywords, and your WOSB small business certification. We use up to 12 criteria to help you find the right opportunities.
- Go to your Federal dashboard to see your matches.
Finding the best Federal contract matches is one of many benefits for Women Owned Small Businesses. BC2Match also gives you the ability to find and get matched with State and Local opportunities. As you pursue opportunities, often, you need a team to win the contract. BC2Match includes our proprietary Build My Team module to help you find potential teaming partners. Our scorecard technology lets you see how well BC2Match members meet your requirement and provides contact information so you can connect with them directly.
BC2Match takes the stress of sifting through WOSB contract opportunities off your shoulders and delivers the best opportunities to your dashboard, so you can make the best use of your time pursuing contracts with a higher probability of winning.