As year-end approaches, government agencies are feeling the heat – the heat, that is, of “use it
or lose it.” For federal government agencies and many state and local agencies, money that is
appropriated by the legislative branch must be committed by the end of the fiscal year or it is
returned to the treasury.
Federal year-end is September 30, but year-end for many state and local governments is June
30. How can BC2Match help you at this important stage?
Check your profile to be sure you are seeing the right opportunities in your Federal and
State/Local Dashboards. For Federal the primary keys are NAICS industry codes, followed by Keywords and Certifications. You must have the right NAICS code for an opportunity to show up in your Federal Dashboard, and a Keyword and Certification and Agency will move the listing up in priority on the dashboard.
For State/Local, the primary keys are Keywords and Locations. One or more of the Keywords
must show up in the opportunity’s title, as well as matching at least one Location.
So far this year, Federal agencies have issued 100,346 RFPs and IFBs. At this time last year,
96,262 had been advertised. For all of last year, there were 133,926 opportunities posted. That
suggests another 40,000 opportunities are expected to drop over the next 3 months.
Use BC2Match’s links to and state/local agency bid boards to see the bid documents, due dates, submission instructions and contacts. Make sure you are including Sources Sought notices and RFIs in your review – those are early warning indicators of future procurements. Sometimes the warning date is only a short time away, and you don’t want to miss those. At other times, the due date is weeks or months off, enabling you to get your team in place and begin to create your bid strategy and proposal response.
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