I hope “Proposal Season” is booming and your team is charging toward the finish line, about 65 days away for federal government contractors.

What teaming arrangements have you made for proposals being submitted? Are you the prime or the sub? Whether you are in construction, IT, or manufacturing, finding the right match among teammates is the key so you are ready when the client says YES!

How Do You Know Who’s a Good Subcontractor?

Recruiting subcontractors requires due diligence. It is easy to meet potential subs but how do you know who is qualified? Here are some questions to answer:

  • What are your requirements? Once defined, write them down.
  • What past performance examples meet your requirements?
  • What is the largest contract completed in the last 12 months?
  • What industry or business groups is the Sub engaged in to demonstrate its expertise.
  • What is the financial and managerial depth of the Sub’s team?
  • What competitors or industry contacts know this Sub?
  • How will you get along with this person?

The last question is critical as communication is the key to successful teams.

Finding Talent is a Continuous Process

Define talent as bright and pleasant people with expertise that solves your clients’ problems. Some ways to find talent are:

  • Issue an RFI to potential subcontractors before you need them.
  • Create a “Prequalification Process” that answers the questions above.
  • Ask allied businesspeople who sell into the same marketplace.
  • Search trade organization directories.

When you identify the right players, project success becomes much easier. Having talent makes you ready when the client says YES!

What if I’m the Sub Looking for a prime?

 The same process applies. Here are some questions to answer:

  • What Primes need my skills, deliverables, and outcomes?
  • What past experiences demonstrate my capabilities?
  • What Primes have experience in my areas of expertise?
  • What are the allied businesses who sell into the same marketplace?
  • How will I be treated as a Sub?

The last question is similar to “getting along” but as a sub you are not in control.

Use BC2Match to Find Your Next Teammates

BC2Match gives you the ability to:

  • Connect with contractors based on common needs.
  • Send out TeamBuilder requests to meet other contractors
  • Use keywords to differentiate you from other subs or primes.
  • Be found by other companies seeking your expertise
  • See federal, state and local RFPs prioritized by your criteria in 1 place.

Use up to 11 criteria to find subs, primes, and teammates.

Every day, new opportunities hit BC2Match. When you match with a new federal opportunity, watch for our BC2Match email saying, “You’ve got a Match!”

Join Now and try us free for 7 days. It only takes 1 win of $40K, $400K, or $4M to be a BC2Match winner!