RFP volume is ramping up as we move into the last 4 months of the Feds fiscal year. What agencies are buying what you sell? Who sells to those agencies that need your technical expertise?



Federal spending on Contractual Services and Supplies (obligated) is $569 Billion for FY 2023. Here is a list of spending for the top 5 agencies:


(In Billions, as of 3/31/23)


Agency Spending Pct of $569B
Department of Defense $348,682,615,917 61.28%
Department of Veterans Affairs $38,480,085,927 6.76%
Department of Energy $29,777,083,475 5.23%
Department of Health and Human Services $21,988,735,141 3.86%

Department of Homeland Security

Source: USASpending.gov

$16,677,143,104 2.93%


Treasury, Justice, GSA, USDA, and NASA round out the top 10. These numbers are huge so finding agency subdivisions that need your expertise is critical.



It depends on what you sell. Selling big ticket items is different than selling small procurements. Getting with the right people is essential and teaming can be the difference. What is your role – prime or sub? 

  • As a prime, who do you need to round out your team? Is it a skill base, schedule holder, geographic reach, or agency experience that will make the difference?
  • As a sub, who can find you? To whom are you a complement? How do you make yourself visible to a prime?  

Build those relationships now as we move into the last quarter of the Fed’s fiscal year.

Infrastructure, technology, and defense are major sources of business. The trends confirm that cyber, supply chain logistics, and the environment will impact the contracting business in the near term.

What contractors do you need to meet to gain access to new opportunities? What agencies make sense for you?



At BC2Match, our goal is to help you find opportunities based on future trends rather than the past. Emerging trends lead to opportunities based on governmental demands for goods and services. Where do you fit in? What can you do based on these trends?



Every day, new opportunities hit the streets. Expect federal RFPs to increase by 50% as we head into June 2023. Certain states that have June 30th fiscal year ends are flooding the RFP markets today.

Available 24/7, BC2Match helps you find the right opportunities and the right talent. How are we different?

  • BC2Match shows you RFPs matching your business criteria, automatically with links to contract documents.
  • BC2Match gives you full access to RFPs at federal, state, and local levels. No longer do you have to search multiple websites for every agency.
  • BC2Match’s keyword search lets you define your business to make you visible to other contractors and to narrow your matches for RFPs.
  • BC2Match’s TeamBuilder enables you to find teaming partners automatically.

Create your profile and watch as federal, state, and local RFPs show up on your BC2Match dashboard.

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