Have you been hearing about the development of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT? There’s been lots of news lately on it.


Federal contract specialists and small business advisors are using A.I. to vet possible suppliers of goods and services. Agencies have access to contractors information in a variety of resources. According to a recent webinar with Tina Horn, Chief Services Officer of TargetGov, DHS’ Procurement Innovation Lab has created its own market research tools using A.I. that other agencies can use.


These tools use your SAM registration information, your website, awards and other data as inputs to the search tool. Therefore, it is incumbent upon YOU to make sure your data is accurate, current and complete.


Here are some tips:

  1. Review your SAM company registration to be sure it is up-to-date.
  2. Supplement your information in SBA’s DSBS database, which is used by many agency specialists during the acquisition planning and sources sought periods prior to issuing an RFP.
  3. Develop a succinct, one-page capability statement with not just your contact info but also past performance references and well-conceived keywords to draw searches.
  4. Make your capability statement available in full text, and downloadable, on the first or second level of your website.
  5. Be sure to register in any agency contractor databases, as well as with prime contractors who frequently maintain their own resource listings.


BC2Match uses A.I. to match you with federal, state, local and partnering opportunities. Be sure to keep your BC2Match profile up-to-date also, with NAICS, Agencies, Certs, Vehicles and especially Keywords. Sign up for a 1-on-1 and we’ll walk you through and help evaluate your alternatives!


Please click here to schedule a 1 to 1 anytime you have an idea, question, or want some help with your profile.


Good luck in FY24!

Amanda, Jon, Tom and the team