Insights and Trends
Position Yourself for 5 Key Trends
Here are ways to benefit from current trends impacting the government contractor landscape. What, and how you deliver to government agencies needs to respond to agency demands based on these key trends. AGENCY TRENDS Our recent blogs have focused on agency spending and emerging trends impacting agency needs and initiatives including: Technologies...
Does it matter where federal contract dollars get spent?
Annual Federal contracting has been in the neighborhood of $650B to $700B recently. According to Set-Aside Alert, “a new report by the Brookings think tank urges greater geographic distribution of federal contracts as one of the major reforms needed to improve federal acquisition.” Report author Darrell M. West, senior fellow at Brookings,...
Agency Spending – Where Do You Fit?
RFP volume is ramping up as we move into the last 4 months of the Feds fiscal year. What agencies are buying what you sell? Who sells to those agencies that need your technical expertise? FEDERAL SPENDING FY 2023 Federal spending on Contractual Services and Supplies (obligated) is $569 Billion for FY 2023. Here is a list of spending for...
In-Person GovCon Industry Meetings Are Back!
Good news! Primes, subs, suppliers, and government customers are returning to in-person events now that the Covid pandemic concerns have been reduced. Government contracting industry executives and major agency contracting teams are returning to in-person events in large numbers, following nearly three years of mostly online presentations....
Emerging Contracting Trends – The Impact on You
The government contracting landscape continues to change based on several key factors. What can you do to benefit from these changes? Our recent blog focused on the impacts of and changes in the demand for Infrastructure, technology and defense, and supply chain logistics. Being in the right position to benefit from these factors is the goal and...
New Iteration of GSA’s Popular OASIS Contracts coming soon
A new release of one of the Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) for IT and other professional services was due to hit the streets last month, but is still at least a couple of weeks away, according to GSA. Extensive industry comments have been digested by GSA’s acquisition staff. In particular, some revisions were made to the evaluation...