Insights and Trends

Do you Know your State Government’s Fiscal Year?

Do you Know your State Government’s Fiscal Year?

The Federal government fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30 of the next year. Most states do not follow the Federal fiscal year. In fact, only Alabama and Michigan have the same fiscal year schedule as the Federal Government. Along with different fiscal year schedules, several states have enacted a biennial budget. Knowing your...

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FY22 is in Full Swing – 3 Things Government Contractors Need to do Now

FY22 is in Full Swing – 3 Things Government Contractors Need to do Now

The landscape of government contracting is always changing. Every year, changes and modifications are made to regulations that government contractors need to meet to be eligible. FY22 is no different. As you know, BC2Match helps you find contracting opportunities for Federal, State, and Local, but that is just one piece of the puzzle. Government...

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