Insights and Trends

Questions to Ask a Sub or Prime Contractor

Questions to Ask a Sub or Prime Contractor

I hope “Proposal Season” is booming and your team is charging toward the finish line, about 65 days away for federal government contractors. What teaming arrangements have you made for proposals being submitted? Are you the prime or the sub? Whether you are in construction, IT, or manufacturing, finding the right match among teammates is the key...

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Load your Capability Statement into DSBS

Load your Capability Statement into DSBS

If you’ve been in the federal government contracting market for very long, you’ve come to learn the importance of creating a Capability Statement to share with agency personnel and potential teaming partners. In the past, your distribution centered on your own email outreach, distributing copies at industry meetings, and posting it on your...

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Keywords Deliver RFPs and Teammates

Keywords Deliver RFPs and Teammates

The Fed’s current fiscal year ends in less than 90 days. What RFPs and subcontracts make sense to you? How can you allocate your time and position yourself for the best opportunities?  KEYWORDS MATCH YOU As a government contractor engaged in Business Development, keywords are a great way to differentiate yourself. While NAICS codes are required,...

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Happy 247th Birthday, America!

Happy 247th Birthday, America!

The BC2Match team wishes all of you a wonderful 4th of July, and best wishes for the year ahead! Whether you are celebrating with hot dogs on the grill, a parade of kids on bikes, a hike in our expansive country or any of hundreds of other ways, please remember our vets who have served to keep our country safe and secure.    BC2Match is the...

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The Last Push is Now

The Last Push is Now

As we approach the Federal 4th Quarter, how have you positioned yourself to win your next contract? What RFPs are you tracking? Who can you meet to help you with those RFPs?    POSITION YOURSELF TO WIN Winning proposals requires research and planning before the RFP is issued. Here are a few important ways to get ready: Focus on your...

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Proposal Busy Season is Underway!

Proposal Busy Season is Underway!

As year-end approaches, government agencies are feeling the heat – the heat, that is, of “use itor lose it.” For federal government agencies and many state and local agencies, money that isappropriated by the legislative branch must be committed by the end of the fiscal year or it isreturned to the treasury. Federal year-end is September 30, but...

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