Subcontracting is very common in the construction industry, but it also works with many other industries as well. Do you have a special, unique skill or specialty like AI, or cybersecurity or legacy
software? Does your company provide a relatively common service that often gets bundled up or packaged with other broader services, like HR or training in an admin services bundle?
Federal contracts are often so big that one single firm can’t provide everything, especially on small business set-aside situations. Play to your strengths and be a subcontractor to others. Or be the prime and bring in some specialized subs for the services you can’t provide yourself.
I was just talking today to the COO of an experienced small business that specializes in design and development of autonomous vehicles. He knows his way around the federal market, having performed small R&D contracts for DoD. He had checked out the current round of SBIR requirements but nothing was in his sweet spot.
We checked out BCMatch’s Build My Team functions to find other contractors with government experience that might be able to use his firm’s design expertise. We also searched for companies that
might form a lead list with commercial contracts. Using BC2Match’s Save Partner and Export Saved Partners function, we pulled an Excel spreadsheet with key info and POCs for prospecting.
BC2Match uses A.I. to match you with federal, state, local and partnering opportunities. Be sure to keep your BC2Match profile up-to-date also, with NAICS, Agencies, Certs, Vehicles and especially Keywords. Sign up for a 1-on-1 and we’ll walk you through and help evaluate your alternatives!
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